Interested in volunteering at WCPL? Terrific! We have a number of library tasks that we always need help completing:
Shelving returned or new books and materials
Assisting at the main desk
Assisting with children’s and teen programs
Assisting on the Lower Level
All adults 18 and older will need criminal and child abuse background checks per PA law. Those are free to volunteers and are available from PA State Police (click on their Volunteers Only box) and PA Child Welfare Portal. Prospective volunteers who have lived outside of Pennsylvania in the past ten years will be required to submit an FBI fingerprint based federal criminal history.
Please review the information on
Certification requirements for volunteers here (PDF)
as well as our WCPL Volunteers policy below:
Last Updated May 2021
Thank you for your interest in working with us! We currently have two open part time Library Assistant positions.
Please click Job opportunities with the Chester County Library System libraries here >
Please fill out our Volunteer form here:
and either drop it off at the library, or scan and email it to wcpl@ccls.org with Volunteer Application in the subject line.
Thank you for helping your local library!